Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research

Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research
ISSN: Print(2251-0702, Online(2705-1900)

8. Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factors of the African Silver Catfish (Chrysichthysnigrodigitatus) from Freshwater and Brackish Water in Nigeria


Length-Weight Relationships (LWR) and condition factors K have been used as management tools to determine fish stock and its wellbeing for sustainability measures. This study was aimed at evaluating the LWR and K of the African Silver Catfish, Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus from Yola, Upper River Benue and Epe Lagoon, Lagos. A total of one hundred and twenty fish sample were randomly selected from artisanal fishers at the landing sites. The lengths were measured using a measuring board while the weights were taken using an electronic weighing balance (ATOM-120). The LWR gave a high correlation coefficient “r” to be 0.8949 and 0.9918 while the coefficient of determination “r2 ” were 0.8008 and 0.9837 for Lagos and Yola respectively. The two populations had negative allometric growth but good condition factors (>1). Lagos population recorded a lower weight at unit length (2.0989) and had a negative allometric growth pattern. So also, Yola population which had lower condition factor (1.010) but higher “b” value of 2.9225. It was concluded that both populations gave good conditions for the fish but Yola population was stouter compared to Lagos population. It is therefore recommended that fisheries managers should setup management measures to control overexploitation for sustainable fish production.