Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research

Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research
ISSN: Print(2251-0702, Online(2705-1900)

16. Evaluation in the Science Laboratory and Mathematics Classroom in Nigeria


The paper discussed the importance of evaluation in the Science laboratory and Mathematics classroom. The correlation between Science and Mathematics is strong, emphasizing the need for Science and Mathematics teachers to work together to achieve greater success in the development of the students. Evaluation plays a crucial role in Science and Mathematics delivery. It enables a proper assessment of the teaching and learning process. It assesses the teacher’s instructional methods, as well as students’ learning outcomes. Effective evaluation is a function of the knowledge and understanding of the various types of evaluation, their advantages and disadvantages, how to use them and when to use them. Evaluation is to be done from the beginning to the end of lesson, thus the different types. This paper thus recommends that Science and Mathematics teachers prioritize evaluation in their lessons to improve teaching and learning outcomes.