Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research

Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research
ISSN: Print(2251-0702, Online(2705-1900)

Analysis of Challenges Affecting Agencies and Other Stakeholder on Solid Waste Management Practices in Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria


There are several factors affecting solid waste management in Nigeria, ranging waste generation, waste reduction, storage, transportation and disposals. This study examines the challenges affecting agencies and other stakeholders on solid waste management in Jalingo Local Government Area. Data for this study were obtained by structured questionnaire and interviewing of 400 respondents in the study area. Structured interview questions is relating to stakeholders on solid waste management, challenges on solid waste management practices and major causes of the challenges were asked. The study revealed that private sectors are the major key players on solid waste management, and the challenges faced were poor funding. It was recommended that Taraba state government should fund the waste management agencies, create a waste agency backed by law and well-funded to tackle menace of solid waste in the study area and also create awareness on waste handling.