Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research

Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research
ISSN: Print(2251-0702, Online(2705-1900)

14. Comparative Analysis of Moisture Characteristics of Soils Derived from Sandstone ParentMaterial in Darazo and Alkaleri Areas of Bauchi State, Nigeria


This study was carried out to Evaluate and compare the Moisture Characteristics of Soils Derived from sandstone Parent Material in Alkaleri and Darazo Local Government Areas of Bauchi State. Four (4) locations (AlkaleriTown, Gargawu, Darazo Town and Kili) were selected for the study. Eighteen core samples were collected randomly per location within the depths of 0 – 20cm, 20-40cm and 40 – 60cm using 5.0cm diameter and 3cm high rings of known weight (W1) and volume (V). Soil moisture contents at pressure of 0.33bar, 1.00bar, 3.33bar, 7.00bar, 10.00bar and 15.00bar were determined using pressure plate extractor. Graphs of the moisture contents on mass basis were plotted against their corresponding tension values to give soil-specific curves known as the Soil Moisture Characteristics (SMC) curves of the different locations. Also three (3) disturbed samples were taken from each depth and composited to one in all locations and soil texture was determined following standard procedure. Plant available moisture in each location was determined. The results indicated that all the study locations recorded high plant available soil moisture contents. However,hydraulic conductivity was higher in soils of Alkaleri sandstone compared to soil of Darazo sandstone due to larger sand particles in the area. In conclusion, the high leaching effect experienced in Alkaleri Local Government Area is as a result of macro pores in the soil due larger sandy particles. Therefore, the use of organic manure is encouraged among farmers in the area to improve moisture retention for optimum crop production.