Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research

Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research
ISSN: Print(2251-0702, Online(2705-1900)

13. Efficacy of Nanoparticles and Silver Nitrate in the Control of Fusarium Wilt of Tomato(Solanum lycopersicum L.)


This study assesses the efficacy of nanoparticles and silver nitrate in the control of Fusarium wilt of tomato. The field experiment was a 2 × 2 × 5 factorial type consisting of three replications, two tomato accessions (CPTTO/18/106 and CPTTO/18/123), two treatments of nanoparticle and silver nitrates (AgNO3), and four concentrations each of silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate (10, 30, 50, and 100 ppm). Carbendazim was applied as positive control while the negative control plots received no treatment. The experimental plot size was 3 × 2 m2 . Tomato seedlings were sown at spacing of 75 × 50 cm. The in-vitro experiment was monitored through mycelia spread measurement. Data were collected on disease incidence and disease severity. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance using Statistical Analysis System (SAS). The results of the in[1]vitro experiment showed that the mycelia spread were least at 10ppm AgNO3 application on the culture growth. This means that AgNO3 at 10 ppm significantly (p