Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research

Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research
ISSN: Print(2251-0702, Online(2705-1900)
Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research Issue 1, 2024,Volume 12 Inventory Model with Number of Orders Constraints for Some stores in Federal University Lokoja using Economic Order Quality

Inventory Model with Number of Orders Constraints for Some stores in Federal University Lokoja using Economic Order Quality


The paper is focused on determining the economic orders quality (EOQ) inventory model with number of constraints for the University Bookshop and Procurement Store. For any business to be successful and run smoothly, the ordering rate of items should be continuous and at constant rate. In minimizing the inventory cost per unit time, the model of number of orders constraints was developed. The data comprising of dictionary, pen, white board marker, answer booklet, file jacket and A4 paper for model were collected from the study area. This showed that the EOQ model reduced the capital tied up without interrupting business, customers’ interest. The model is effect in any business venture and proves efficient.

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